ISBD Webinar on “Treat to target in Behçet’s syndrome”
Im Rahmen der regelmäßig stattfindenden Fortbildungsveranstaltungen im Rahmen unseres MKSE-Netzwerkes möchten wir Sie hinweisen auf ein
Webinar der International Society for Behçet’s Disease (ISBD)
zum Thema
"Treat to target in Behçet’s syndrome"
Dear Members of the International Society of Behçet's Disease and all interested colleagues,
this is a kind invitation to the 4th ISBD Webinar on "Treat to Target in Behçet’s Syndrome", which is organized by Professors Gülen Hatemi, Petros Sfikakis and Giacomo Emmi.
The webinar will take place online on January 30th, 2025, from 13:00 to 15:10 CET (12:00 to 14:15 UK, 21:00 to 23:15 Japan time).
Program Overview:
- The Scope of a T2T Strategy for Behçet’s Syndrome (10 minutes) – Petros Sfikakis
- Treatment Targets for Eye Involvement (10 minutes) – Bahram Bodaghi
- A uveitis case (5 minutes)
- Discussion (3 minutes)
- Treatment Targets for Vascular Involvement (10 minutes) – David Saadoun
- A vascular case (5 minutes)
- Discussion (3 minutes)
- Treatment Targets for Nervous System Involvement (10 minutes) – Uğur Uygunoğlu
- A neuro-Behçet’s case (5 minutes)
- Discussion (3 minutes)
- Treatment Targets for Gastrointestinal Involvement (10 minutes) – Aykut Ferhat
- A GI-Behçet’s case (5 minutes)
- Discussion (3 minutes)
- Treatment Targets for Mucocutaneous Involvement and Arthritis (10 minutes) – George Fragoulis
- A case with only mucocutaneous and joint involvement (5 minutes)
- Discussion (3 minutes)
- Implementing T2T Strategies in Recommendations (10 minutes) – Gülen Hatemi
- Discussion (10 minutes)
The meeting will be hosted on Webex and will be recorded. Please join using the following link:
Meeting link:
Meeting number: 2792 783 6875
Password: f4TU2S35J2J (34882735 when dialing from a phone or video system)
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to
Vice President of the ISBD Prof. Giacomo Emmi
Programm und Zugangsdaten zum Download